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Cooking Basics

United Plate

1. Start Simple and Small

  • Begin with Basic Recipes: Choose recipes with fewer ingredients and straightforward instructions. Think pasta dishes, or simple salads. The majority of the recipes provided here are for starters.

  • Learn to Make Your Favorites: Experiment with cooking your favorite meals. It is more fun and motivating when you are making food you enjoy.

2. Kitchen Safety

  • Always Supervise Your Cooking: Never leave the kitchen while you are cooking. It is important to keep an eye on what you are making.

  • Handle Knives Carefully: Learn the basics of knife safety, such as keeping your fingers tucked in and using a stable cutting surface.

  • Be Aware of Hot Surfaces: Use oven mitts or pot holders when handling hot pots, pans, or baking trays.

  • Turn Off Stoves and Appliances When Done: Make sure to turn off the stove and all appliances when you are finished.

3. Healthy Eating

  • Incorporate Fruits and Vegetables: Try to include a variety of fruits and veggies in your meals. They are full of essential nutrients and very versatile. You will find many recipes focused on veggies here.

  • Balance Your Meals: Focus on a balance of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats to keep you energized and satisfied.

4. Cooking Techniques

  • Master a Few Techniques: Learn some basic cooking techniques such as boiling, sautéing, and baking.

  • Manage Seasoning Wisely: Whether you are using solid or liquid seasoning, it is helpful to add it to the cooking spatula first and then stir it into the pot to prevent over-seasoning.

  • Wash Vegetables Properly: Some vegetables (spinach, radish greens) can be challenging to clean. A good practice is to wash them before chopping. Once chopped, place the pieces into a large bowl and rinse again with water. This two-step process helps remove any remaining dirt or debris effectively.

  • Don’t Be Afraid to Season: Experiment with a variety of herbs and spices - seasoning is essential for creating great flavors! Feel free to substitute ingredients or omit them based on what you have available.

  • Understand Measurements: Familiarize yourself with measurement conversions to follow recipes accurately. For example, one tablespoon (tbsp. or tbs.) equals three teaspoons (tsp).

5. Kitchen Essentials

  • Stock Your Pantry: Keep basic ingredients like pasta, rice, canned tomatoes, corn, and beans.

  • Invest in Basic Tools: A good chef’s knife, cutting board, set of pots and pans, and a cooking spatula are some of the essentials. Begin with a small spoon for measuring salt and other condiments.

  • Green Recycling Practices: Utilize the green recycling bin on your countertop for disposing of vegetable peels and food scraps.


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